Welcome to the clean power paradigm

Engineered Clean Power For Maximum EMF Protection
Our name SATIC is an acronym for engineered clean power, as we are driven by a passionate belief that dirty electricity is real and measurable. While science has repeatedly demonstrated dirty electricity to be inefficient and harmful to electronics and equipment, many experts now contend it's dangerous and unhealthy to the biological world (including insects, plants, animals and humans). An issue that has recently been demonstrated beyond reasonable contestation, making dirty electricity, electromagnetic fields (EMF), interference (EMI) and their subsequent radiation one of the most important and pressing issues facing mankind today.
Dirty Electricity
Dirty electricity, or “EMF radiation” has been cited frequently as a major health issue facing our population. EMF Radiation is virtually everywhere in the modern world and is almost unavoidable in the urban environment.
Like carbon monoxide, electrical pollution is not something we can see, smell, taste, or touch. It is something only a few can sense, making it difficult for many to notice. Therefore, it is important to understand what causes electrical pollution and what to look for in your everyday environment.
Many complain about a variety of effects associated with dirty electricity such as; headaches, ringing in the ears, difficulty focusing, and numerous other symptoms. These symptoms are now being referred to as being related to electrohypersensitivity or EHS.