Office hours with david meltzer
B.D. Erickson II, CEO of Satic Shield was specially chosen to appear on a live interview of one of the biggest names in the solar industry, David Meltzer. In this Instagram Live, they talk about how solar is a great decision but in today's modern electrified world solar holds a dark secret.
David Meltzer is the Co-Founder of Sports 1 Marketing and formerly served as CEO of the renowned Leigh Steinberg Sports & Entertainment agency, which was the inspiration for the movie Jerry Maguire. His life's mission is to empower people to just be happy. He also has a TV show on Apple TV where he talks to different business owners from around the country and world to go over the best business practices. In this exclusive Instagram Live interview, David, and his colleague Brian Bogert sit down with B.D. Erickson II, Founder and CEO of Satic Shield, to talk about how solar energy is sweeping the renewable energy industry, but solar all along has had a dark secret that needs to come to light.
David Meltzer: “Good morning everyone! It is Office Hours Breaking Beyond with Brian Bogert my main man, how are you?”
Brian Bogert: “Man, I’m fantastic, how are you?”
David: “We are on our way for Season 6 second half filming and then off to Nashville after the next few days of filming and off on an amazing weekend of high school football, junior PGA golf tour, my wife’s birthday with Journey, Def Leopard, and Steve Miller, and now off to the races with the finest peeps that we can find and, yeah, we’re super excited, it’s like a reunion now. When you do this many seasons of so many different TV shows each one becomes a reunion and it’s like a collective, of course we added the VIP dinner side of it in between the two days of filming, which to me is always my favorite part. But before we bring on, in a minute, what’s your takeaway for the week since I last saw you, brother?”
Brian: “Yeah man, you know, I think it’s really interesting when we get into an environment where we can witness how human loyalty operates in the divide between standing behind people that you’ve known for a long time and then self-preservation. I’m witnessing a friend of mine who actually did a phenomenal job bringing a conversation that needs to be normalized through his podcast and a lot of backlash and some of his closest friends flipping on him because they don’t align with the topic that was at hand and it’s just a fascinating thing to witness, and so for me it’s how do we consistently bring people together and how do we consistently take the conversation deeper in a highly subjective and judgmental world? How do we shine the light on objectivity and non-judgment for people to be able to learn those lessons even on the fringe topics?”
David: “So true, and that is my takeaway this week, it was my training on Friday was the importance of appreciation of differences and the less valuable agreement, meaning that agreements are just a restatement, we are in an appreciation of differences and a unifying force and when something resonates with us in disagreement as much as agreement, we need to utilize the same intention in the disagreement, utilizing appreciation adding value. And so people follow one of the key lessons that I try to amplify which is capture that which resonates with you, but they only capture that which resonates on agreement. You know, you’re humble or in misery. That’s what resonates with me, I’m going to go into agreement with that. But where the real growth occurs is when you can have and understand that equal to that the resonance of the statement that they’re humbled or about to be or interfering to you, you use this approach and it’s important to you and it’s important to appreciate. And that’s where we really need to be more interested. Anyways, let’s get to our first guest.”
Brian: “Agreed!”
David: “Yes, because I was a little late to the party because of connectivity but now we have connectivity, and B.D. Erickson is patiently waiting, thank you for your patience B.D.!”
B.D. Erickson II: “Hello! I’m great! I’m just glad to be here!”
like people in the industry. And I think for me, you know, people say well where there’s a lot of sunshine solar makes sense, and everybody automatically thinks Nevada, Arizona, California, etc., but solar is really a financial decision. So the reason you would be compelled to go solar, maybe to save the world? Probably not, that’s kind of a byproduct, it’s what you’re paying for electricity. So if you’re in a spot where your electricity is four or five cents a kilowatt an hour, solar actually doesn’t make financial sense, it’s still green, it’s still renewable, it can still provide backup power if you have batteries, but a financial decision not so much. If you’re in a place that has 14, 20, 30, cent power, wow, then solar is a really great and easy financial decision to make at that point. Also, utilities have different rules. During the summer time solar panels make more power then we use so we pump those into a bank called a net meter. Well, each utility has a different net meter. Do they give you a watt for a watt? They give you a half of a watt, and so the utilities have a big difference on that too. Something I didn’t know, solar panels like to be cold. When engineering a system for peak power and we’re figuring out what we can put on a breaker or a subpanel, that’s at 40 below zero. Electronics don’t like to be hot. So Montana, or you know, even Canada in places where it’s cooler, on those days they actually make more peak power. So those are some things technically and financially. And then it’s like anything else, are there movers and shakers? So in California you’ve got high populations, high utility rates, high utility meter agreements that are favorable to solar, and you’ve got movers and shakers, people who will be leaders, tell the story, hire the team, build dreams and lead them to victory. You need that combination of all of those things in order to reach a tipping point in a handful of states like Colorado, Florida, California, etc.”
Brian: “Awesome. Hey Meltz, there’s a bunch of road noise coming from your phone. Do you mind just mute, perfect, okay thank you brother. B.D., that was great, I appreciated the distinction there both from the financial decision but as well as the people who are moving the spaces. One of the things that’s really interesting with the advancement of technology is that there’s more and more and more frequency, vibration and interference from these electrical fields, right? And you talk about this concept of dirty electricity and this mission that you’re on to be able to really address the health and privacy risks that are related. Meltzer and I have often interacted with this in a way that when our frequency is really up high we can actually really fry all of the systems in front of us and it’s like wait a minute this doesn’t make any sense, but it makes complete sense. Could you define dirty electricity and how is this actually having an effect on our population as well as what are you guys doing to be able to put those protections in place for us?”
B.D.: “So you’re asking questions that became the motivating factor in my life’s path. Things I never laid on my couch and said I wonder what an electromagnetic field is. It never even entered my sphere of consciousness, and now I’m one of the leading experts in both in the podcast world and in the industry for what we manufacture. Over a decade ago, my son and I moved into a home that had huge power lines, him and I had a laugh because we’re both visual men, we had gone through the whole process of buying a house and we missed them. We joked about how we wouldn’t have to mow because the grass was dead under them. Guys, within about a year my son was not himself. He’d never missed a day of school in two years, he’d never gotten anything but an A, not because I’m this great dad, that’s just how this guy navigated his world! Teachers called us in and said ‘is everything okay’? He was student of the month, he was holding the door for a special needs kids, he’s a really likeable young guy, but he’s not the same, is everything okay at home? Their plan, as it’s so common sadly, was to use BigPharma, and I said the last thing we’re going to do is put my eight-year-old kid on drugs. Well guys, we deduced pretty quickly that he suffers from EHS, Electrohypersensitivity Syndrome. Depending on what you believe, about 8-12% of our population is experiencing a form of disease because of all the harmonics, distortion, fields and waves in the modern electrified world. Well when I went down this they said oh you’ve got a foil hat, you’re trading in fear, you’re a nut job, you’re a conspiracy theorist, that was hard. You know, I’m a power systems engineer, I’m a technical person, I own a large solar company, I don’t want any of those things to be true, and I certainly don’t see that in the mirror, but I was living it in real time. And, you know, Simon Sinek is one of my favorites, and if you want to be disruptive, you need a why. Give someone a sick child and that’s a why, right? And I just had a force within me to go and sort this out and what we realized is that some of the biggest culprits in the dirty electricity world are the smart meter or the net meter which is part of going solar. Another huge culprit is the solar inverter which takes direct current, phases it and pulses it into 120 and 60 Hertz, and these create dirty electricity. And to answer your question, dirty electricity, there should be two waves, a voltage wave and an amperage wave, and you know, when I was young the antenna on the car got FM when you’re in town and AM radio when you’re out of town. Well now there’s LTE, 4G, 5G, Dish Network, DirectTV, his printer, her printer, his Wi-Fi, that FBI van, you know, you’ve got all of these signals and they do penetrate. And dirty electricity is when there’s just too much interference, harmonics and distortion, and these electromagnetic fields have subsequent radiation. We know that radiation is damaging to the biological world, it’s beyond contestation, it’s bad for bees, it’s bad for trees, and it’s bad for me’s, right? And so it’s simply being overexposed and we’re all suffering from a level of overexposure sickness called e-pollution and, I hate to be the bearer of bad news..”
it, on off, and 1,000 times out of 1,000, they know it’s real. They say when you have clean power it’s more quiet, more calm, more peaceful, I can’t feel it I would never be disingenuous, but I’m around people that can feel it all the time, and my son certainly can. So, I guess that’s kind of the wind-up to pitch is admit it, realize it, grasp it, grab onto it, and let’s just be thoughtful about our use of Wi-Fi, let’s not have our phone plugged in by our head at night, and let’s check out some filters at Satic Shield because they work and they help your family.”
David: “Without a doubt, and I’m glad that you’re brave enough with your expertise and your subject matter and knowledge to be able to effectively lead to solutions because, as we know, with any vibration or frequency or electrical current that there are ways to clean, you say, that current, and there’s been, you know, since ancient fields and forces and intention are also occurring, you know, there’s tracing of calligraphy’s that can clean the vibration and frequency in your home and there’s a variety of quantum things that can be done. And, you know, I’m just happy that there’s courageous people because one thing that I’ve learned is with Simon as well and any disruption which is just going against what the norm believes and that’s what greatness is achieved, is that people laugh at you, scoff at you, make fun of you, then they will applaud you, but a lot of people don’t have the resources that they’re paying, their purpose is greater then their pain, and I love the fact that you prioritize your family which gives you great purpose over that pain and you’re solving a huge problem that will continue to grow around the world. So where can people find more information about clean energy? Where can they go?”
B.D.: “So our website, Satic is a unique word, S-A-T-I-C, Shield regular spelling, saticshield.com, or saticusa.com. If you don’t want to buy anything and you just want to learn, we’ve got so many videos, so many YouTubes, so many podcasts, so many different people weighing in on frequencies and on some of the things that you said, the Earth has a frequency, it’s called Schumann, you can’t deny that, it’s beyond intelligent contestation. When you hold magnets together they repel or they snap together. You can’t see it, touch it, taste it, but people like playing magnets I don’t care if you’re 80 years old, they’re interesting! Right? It’s beyond intelligible contestation! Quantum field, we know it’s real, it’s the law of attraction! Think about a friend that you haven’t seen in 20 years, think about them hard and they’re going to call you, and no one really knows, we want the secret, we read all of these books, ponder, but we know in some fantastic way that it’s real because we all experience it in our life. These are waves and these are frequencies, and calming good waves like grounding out in the yard is actually healing, but these manmade waves are disruptive and their damaging to the biological. And so you’ve got to protect yourself, what you think, what you feel, what you draw in some fantastic way, you’ll realize in a week that we know that to be true. So products like ours you can help clean, filter and regulate and keep your space calm. You will sleep better and you will suffer less disease, and we know how disease in the heart and mind can show up in the body, psychosomatics, unfortunately that’s true too, stinking and thinking can make you sick! And again, you might sound crazy but that’s the reality of the world we live in and the sooner you accept that the sooner you can have more health.”
Brian: “B.D., thanks for speaking truth, man! The unavoidable precursor to change is acceptance, and until we accept the current state of things we cannot alter them my friend, so appreciate you, truly, speaking truth, and I know that I’ll be in touch with you soon. Meltz did you want to say anything else as we wrap up this part, brother?”
David: “Thank you so much, we’re going to have you back. The world needs more of you. Thank you, B.D., I appreciate your patience as well.”
B.D.: “I love what you guys do. See you soon.”
David: “See you soon!”
Brian: “Right on brother!”

David: “We’re glad to have you here and I have spent a lot of time and a lot of real estate up in Montana before the boom as well so I can imagine the peace that you live in, Missoula, one of my favorite places. But, you are the CEO of Satic Shield, and I want to talk about the differences in solar around the country and what you have seen as far as the appreciation of those differences when it comes to Montana versus Las Vegas, California, and other states where the solar industry is in disruptive status at this time.”
B.D.: “Yeah, so what are you asking specifically, Dave?”
David: “I’m asking for the differences so people can appreciate there’s differences in the solar industry today state by state, and I was wondering the status as a solar adder yourself in Montana comparatively to California, Arizona, Vegas, where Brian and I help a lot of solar people.”
B.D.: "Got it. So there's misconceptions about solar by people that don't know it
Brian: “You’re just speaking truth, brother, you’re just speaking truth, it’s the reality whether people want to accept it or not. It’s the truth!”
B.D.: “It’s the truth. And, you know, you hate to be the bearer of bad news but rather then deal in fear, let’s deal in power, let’s deal in knowledge! Hey, I’m suffering from overexposure to the electrified e-pollution world, what do I do? We manufacture a line of products designed by a passionate dad with a great team of engineers for over a decade to just clean, filter and harmonize that power. So what’s the result? Sometimes when you’re charging your phone, it charges slow and gets hot and the thing that plugs in is hot. You’re like that’s weird, you know something is abnormal, right? When you have clean power your phone charges cool and fast, the back of your fridge is cool, your DVR is cool, things just run better, they’re in harmony. I’m not someone that can feel it, but we have tons of customers that with their back turned and we can plug in our system and they turn around and they can feel