Josh Elledge is the Founder and CEO of, an online platform where different businesses can come and be empowered to gain influence and authority about their brands and build up their narratives while being encouraged by others.
Josh sits down with B.D. Erickson, Founder and CEO of SATIC for an interview on The Thoughtful Entrepreneur podcast to talk about SATIC's positive corporate culture and how working in a team can help lift a business up after dealing with the difficulties of being a business depending on supply chain needs. They also discuss SATIC's award-winning product line and how the line is taking the industry by storm.
Josh Elledge: "With us right now is B.D. Erickson! B.D. you are the CEO of SATIC and SATIC is on the web at and B.D., thanks for joining us!"
B.D. Erickson II: "Josh, thanks for having me!"
Josh: "Alright, give us an overview of what you do with SATIC."

B.D.: "So we're a tech firm, we're an American manufacturer, so we make a line of clean energy products that we make right here in Missoula Montana for national and global export, we're the leaders in our field. It's recently kind of been drug into mainstream science, rather than pseudo-science if you will, that dirty electricity is real, that EMFs are real, that they're potentially harmful for the biological, etc., so our business has really exploded. We make our own products right here as I stated and we believe that they are disruptive to the whole solar industry. So yes, we are the biggest solar installer in Western Montana, I love the business, I'm grateful for it, but that's a solar company in a state that's not really disruptive, right? One of the things with solar the way that solar creates this dirty electricity and EMF field and we've created a filter that's a compliment to solar and we are truly, and I sat this candidly Josh, you know, not to boast, faster than we
can build them. So our challenge really is to getting components because of the challenge with all the shipping right now..."
Josh: "Supply chain, yeah."
B.D.: "...yeah, right? Building a team right now, expanding, we're out of space in this building, so they're the best problems to have but they're real problems."
Josh: "Yep. Okay, so the way I am figuring this, or, the way I'm thinking that this might be, so let's say that you have a higher-end stereo system and you get, I forget what the component is called, where it regulates the electricity, is it kind of like that?"
B.D.: "Absolutely! I love where you're tracking! So for the average person, a nice stereo from BestBuy or FutureShop or some place is good enough, right? And what happens in our world is when the mini-fridge comes on or something comes on and you hear that pop or tick in the speakers, that drives the audio-file nuts! So they'll step up to an $8,000 Bang & Olifson or some really great Scandinavian brand that simply doesn't have that, and so what you're talking about there the way it stores power, it cleans it, it regulates it, it's absolutely a featuring benefit that our product has and those are component sets that we looked at very carefully in designing ours."
Josh: "Yeah. Okay, so the best thing to do would be to go to, that's S-A-T-I-C, so you can visually see what we're talking about here. Can you, you know, imagine that we've got a class of eighth graders, so keep it at the eighth grade level, but can you talk a little bit more about the science of why? So I will say that my dad is a business owner and he works with high-end, like, keyboards for musicians, so when you plunk down $8,000 for a keyboard or an organ or something like that, a church organ or something like that, one thing that he and I talked about that is he goes you know it's not so much, I mean lightning can reek so much havoc, but I actually had a mixer go out and I talked to him about it and he said you know it's not the huge surges that you would think, like you have a surge protector that's going to pop, you know, and again as long as you have basic surge protection it's not going to be an issue, like it'll keep you safer, however, a surge

protector is not going to anything for the variances that you get, those little spikes, and they're not huge, but they're constantly going on like the AC kicks on and you can see it oftentimes like we've got dimmable lights in our bedroom and when the AC kicks on, you know, we see the bulbs do a little thing, right? And he said long term that causes a lot of damage to your electronics. That's all I know, that's the end of my wisdom right there! It's based on the thing that my dad told me that one time and I was like wow! But I'll let you kind of fill in the gaps here."
B.D.: "Josh, you just gave my presentation! We are kindred spirits, I love that your father said that! He is exactly correct. So when we first got into this business, our best customers were really the audio-file, the musician and the HAM radio guy because these people are listening for the minutia, being bothered by the minutia that probably wouldn't get you or I. The pop or tick in the speakers is a bummer, it ruins Avatar for a blink of a second but it doesn't ruin our day, but the HAM radio guy he, interference at all is so important to the quality, or lack of quality if you will, of his signal as he's trying to talk to somebody in Australia from Montana. So yes it's absolutely challenging to equipment, shortens their life, makes them hot and so our tech, I won't fib and say that it's this bleeding edge breakthrough technology, it's not, I wish that it was, what is really is a culmination of the latest things that are being done in our industry by industry experts and then combining those in a user-friendly way that's really easy for Josh and his family to benefit. So talking to an eighth grade audience, is dirty electricity real?

Absolutely! And an easy definition for it is really just electricity that's not ideal that's perhaps outside of a standard, right? You want some kind of set parameter. When you plug something into an outlet in the USA, it's 120 volts. Now people are used to saying 110/220 but it hasn't been 110/220 in years. It's 120/240, well if it's under 120 it won't be able to power something, if it's over 120 it can damage it so it needs to be regulated. Also when you and I were kids, we're about the same age Josh, mom comes in to vacuum and we're watching Gilligan's Island or you and I are watching The Brady Bunch or whatever and mom's vacuum puts lines on the TV, right? That interference or distortion created by mom's vacuum would affect the line. Oftentimes when your air conditioner is going bad or your piece of equipment, is the air conditioner bad or is it a component? It might be the condenser, it might be a capacitor or something, the quality of electricity has an effect on your phone getting
hot, so that's another example that we see in real life every day example that we see in real life every single day. I plug my phone into charge it and this time, Josh, it's really warm. It wasn't the last 20 times! Why is it warm now? Right?! And what you said for in rush, your air conditioner spools on, it inrushes it, it lights up and it comes to life. So a couple of things happen, you might hear that pop or tick in your speakers but you also might see lights dim. So the things in electricity that need to be within a spectrum, that need to be within a tolerance, number one, is the voltage and number two is the amps, and we'll talk about those first. Electricity's other name for amps is current, why? It flows very much like water, now let's say, Josh, that we're going to go outside and water our lilies, well you go over to the spicket and you barely turn it on, you don't want to blow the head off of your plants do you? You just want it trickling and so you take it over and you trickle it over your lilies and you gently water your flowers. Now the chihuahua from next door, Josh, comes over and take a little dookie in your yard and because Joshua is a sinful and imperfect man, he puts his thumb over it and he squirts that little guy in the butt. You give him a little squirt, or there's something high on the eve, there's a cobb web or something and so you put your thumb over the hose and you spray it, you've raised the voltage. The voltage is the pressure. Now let's say that Josh is going to wash his car, so we go back over to the spicket and we really turn it up and we really have a lot of water coming out, that's the amp. So they say it's not the volts that kill you, it's the amps. Because the amps is the water! That's the water, that's what actually gets you, that's the current, it's just whether or not you have your thumb over it. Okay, so volts time amps is volt-amps or watts by a lot of definitions, and that's actually what you buy. So you buy a kilowatt or 1,000 watts over an hour, what's that mean? Electricity is billed just like your water, it's two things- how far did you open the spicket and how long did you leave it on? Everybody that owns a hose has had the hose running in the yard, you get distracted and you're doing something else, and now you realize that you've got a huge puddle in your neighbor's right? So your water bill is higher. After that, we have power factor, so that voltage is on a wave and the amperage is on a wave, we want those waves together, that's power factor. Interference, electromagnetic fields, it's cross talk, you have two wires close, the information on one or the static on one of the communication on one might interfere. IF you've ever had a walkie-talkie, if you've ever had a HAM radio, even with our cell phones, sometimes you pick up the wrong signal and you hear someone else's voice, it's rare nowadays but it occurs. So interference is a real thing. Harmonic distortion, well what is harmonic distortion? It's what we talked about when you run the vacuum and you can see the lines, right? You also want to surge protect, which is voltage and EMF, electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields are real, Josh! They're measurable."
Josh: "Yeah! So I want to say, because you know we only have like five minutes left, okay but let me ask you this to kind of recap, so what's in it for the consumer? There's damage obviously to all of your components in your house right? It's all at risk, and so your solution allows for, is it a whole house conditioning?"
B.D.: "Okay so let's just wrap it up really fast, I switched right into tech. So when I was a kid I wanted to drink out of the hose, nowadays we bottled water, right? You use a Britta filter maybe in your home, it's basically a Britta filter for your electricity. We have all of these bad things that come in, all of the fuzz, all of the distortion, and all this does is smooth it out, it filters it and it conditions it. So your power bill goes down, your phone charges fast and hot, your speakers don't pop and tick, your stuff doesn't blow up, and if EMFs are truly bad for you and bad for the biological, like the grass under power lines, it ain't bushier, Josh, it's bushiless. If it's truly bad for you then you've eliminated that threat for your family. So your stuff lasts longer, you live in a cooler, healthier and happier place and your power bill goes down! So it's only a number of months, you know, depending on your usage of power before the thing has paid for itself! You've got all

of your money back and now you have all these other side benefits and perpetuity. It's made in the USA and it's proven to work, we've been here for a decade, we've had 85,000 installed, our ratings online are great."
Josh: "What do you do, so you work directly with dealers, is that your primary? Because you sell directly to consumers, you know, based on your website, but your primary play as a business is to work with dealers?"
B.D.: "Yeah! We really want to work with people out there in the industry because they're already having these conversations with people anyway. If you're already installing solar, you know, you're already talking about clean renewable power, they have someone standing at their braker panel with a screwdriver, right? Air conditioning companies, hot tub pool and spa companies, electricians, health professionals, EMFs, 5G, radiations, all the things are now being exacerbated just because of the technical world that we live in. I grew up without cell phones for the most part and now I don't have one phone, I have two phones and three tablets! A lot of my appliances are smart, right? So the world that we live in has changed and other than us, very few companies have addressed the technological change in the way that we are using power and updating just in today's technological world."

Josh: "Yeah! So your website, where you can see, so I clicked on, what products do you got here, you've got a plug-in, I mean you've got, I mean you have a variety right so you can go all the way from single outlet to whole house and then you have lightbulbs as well that address this issue, very very cool."
B.D.: "Yeah, so some people want something that's wired to the panel that's whole home and some people want something that they can plug into a specific outlet or take it when they travel or give it to a child in a dorm room or an apartment person that might not want to buy something permanent for their landlord but they certainly want to benefit while they're there, so we have a full line of plug-in products that are guaranteed to work, satisfaction is guaranteed, we've got a really robust 30-day return policy and they've got 10-year warranties."
Josh: "Yeah, fantastic! So I would imagine, again my audience is primarily going to be business owners and many can be very consumer-facing, so a great partner, solar, we talked about that, I'm thinking who else could be a good partner for you?"
B.D.: "Yeah, so we really have two genres here too for the consumer, for the residential user, somebody that is interacting with people obviously-contractors, construction companies on a daily basis, but most health, and a lot of health practitioners because, you know, it might take two or three years to pay for itself in a residential setting, that's not where the big savings are, but people buy it for health, they really buy it for the lower EMF. Your phone charging cool and fast or your bill going down 10%, that's nice but it doesn't change your life, right? But it you are suffering from electrical hyper sensitivity, if you're having trouble sleeping, if you've got high blood sugar and these other things then it becomes priceless. In a commercial setting where you've got demand charges and stuff, it will really lower the power bills in those situations much different. So usually you're looking at a two year ROY in the equipment in those situations."
Josh: "Mmhmm, mmhmm. Very cool! Okay so, B.D. Erickson, when someone goes there, and I'm thinking again particularly among business owners it might make a good partner for you, where do they connect and how could they connect with you?"
B.D.: "Yeah! So really creating an email to myself or our team or just picking up the phone and calling is the best way to connect with us. Our phone number is (406) 493-1861, and my email is"
Josh: "Awesome, well alright B.D. Erickson, CEO of SATIC, thank you so much for joining us!"
B.D.: "Thank you so much, Josh, thanks for having me."